
Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to shoot out an email to let everybody know that ‘Strip Club King’ is now available for pre-order at the link below or just go to and type in ‘strip club king’…the official North American release date is August 4, so all DVDs purchased will be shipped that day…if you know anybody who may be interested, please forward this along. Thank you to everybody who helped make this DVD possible.  I have been very blessed to have been able to get this story of Joe Redner out to a national audience. Please email me if you have any questions for concerns.

In case you are confused, or I have not been in contact for a while, the documentary was directed by me and produced by Chris Woods.

Also, If you have seen the film already on one of the DVD promotional discs or at the Gasparilla Film Fest, please feel free post a review on Amazon.

New reviews from the legendary Ron Jeremy and Steve Persall:

“If Shelby McIntyre hadn’t made this movie, Hollywood could never dream up a character lke Joe Redner, a saintly sinner railing against political and religious hypocrisy. Armed with nothing but the truth, Strip Club King is like Mr. Smith going to Washington for lap dances“.– Steve Persall, St. Pete Times

“It has been my pleasure sharing the stage with Joe Redner many times at the Night Moves Awards Show. He is a gentleman , entrepreneur, and freedom fighter. He singlehandedly turned an eye-sore into an attractive gentleman’s club, even raising the real estate value of the surrounding neighborhood. Joe is a classy guy and this documentary chronicles him beautifully”.– Ron Jeremy


Shelby McIntyre

Obama’s first days:

Two years after launching the most technologically savvy presidential campaign in history, Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts.

What does that mean in 21st-century terms? No Facebook to communicate with supporters. No outside e-mail log-ins. No instant messaging. Hard adjustments for a staff that helped sweep Obama to power through, among other things, relentless online social networking.

“It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said of his new digs.

…team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software.

But….All is not lost and the change begins Now!

WASHINGTON – In a first-day flurry of activity, President Barack Obama on Wednesday set up shop in the Oval Office, summoned advisers to begin dealing with war and recession and ordered new lobbying rules for “a clean break from business as usual.”

He also froze salaries for top White House staff members, placed phone calls to Mideast leaders and had aides circulate a draft executive order that would close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay within a year…

…Unveiling ethics rules that he portrayed as the fulfillment of a major campaign promise, Obama said that “the way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable.” The rules are needed, he added, “to help restore faith in government, without which we cannot deliver the changes that we were sent here to make.”

The pay freeze affects the roughly 100 White House employees who make more than $100,000 a year. “Families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington,” Obama said…

…In an attempt to deliver on pledges of a transparent government, Obama said he would change the way the federal government interprets the Freedom of Information Act. He said he was directing agencies that vet requests for information to err on the side of making information public — not to look for reasons to legally withhold it — an alteration to the traditional standard of evaluation.

Just because a government agency has the legal power to keep information private does not mean that it should, Obama said.


Just days after the “rescue”  AIG is partying!

White House press secretary Dana Perino had harsh words for the insurance giant after it was revealed this week that AIG held a $440,000 retreat for employees at the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, Calif., shortly after it was propped up by taxpayer dollars last month.

AIG sent its executives to the coastal St. Regis resort south of Los Angeles even as the company tapped into an $85 billion loan from the government that it needed to stave off bankruptcy. The resort tab included $23,380 worth of spa treatments for AIG employees, according to invoices the resort turned over to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Nice!!!  But, now that is out and all the executives are relaxed, check out the new meeting coming up!

AIG Plans Meeting at California Ritz-Carlton Resort Next Week
By Erik Holm

Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) — American International Group Inc., the insurer facing criticism for hosting a $440,000 event at a California resort less than a week after a federal takeover, plans another gathering for its brokers at a Ritz-Carlton hotel next week.

The event, in Half Moon Bay in northern California, is designed to “motivate and educate” about 150 independent agents that sell AIG coverage to high-end clients, spokesman Nicholas Ashooh said. “These sorts of sales meetings are an essential function,” he said. “We have them around the world all the time.”

About 50 AIG employees will also attend the meeting. Ashooh said he didn’t know the cost of the event or whether the agents AIG is hosting would stay overnight.

So, how are you feeling about the “rescue” now?   I wasn’t very happy about it before, now I am furious!

Call your representatives and let them know if this kind of thing ticks you off too!

By Dana Milbank CLEARWATER, Fla. — “Okay, so Florida, you know that you’re going to have to hang onto your hats,” Sarah Palin told a rally of a few thousand here this morning, “because from now until Election Day it may get kind of rough.”

You betcha. And the person dishing out the roughest stuff at the moment is Sarah Palin.

“I was reading my copy of the New York Times the other day,” she said.

“Booooo!” replied the crowd.

“I knew you guys would react that way, okay,” she continued. “So I was reading the New York Times and I was really interested to read about Barack’s friends from Chicago.”

It was time to revive the allegation, made over the weekend, that Obama “pals around” with terrorists, in this case Bill Ayers, late of the Weather Underground. Many independent observers say Palin’s allegations are a stretch; Obama served on a Chicago charitable board with Ayers, now an education professor, and has condemned his past activities.

“Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers,” Palin said.

“Boooo!” said the crowd.

“And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'” she continued.

“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.

“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.

Palin went on to say that “Obama held one of the first meetings of his political career in Bill Ayers’s living room, and they’ve worked together on various projects in Chicago.” Here, Palin began to connect the dots. “These are the same guys who think that patriotism is paying higher taxes — remember that’s what Joe Biden had said. “And” — she paused and sighed — “I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America, as the greatest force for good in the world. I’m afraid this is someone who sees America as ‘imperfect enough’ to work with a former domestic terrorist who had targeted his own country.”

What’s chilling is this republican campaign stirs up hate and racism and incites violence, nay, murder: and then does not condemn the behavior of their constituents.

I am embarrassed and frightened for Florida, for the republicans and for America.  I can see why the world thinks badly of us at this point.

Go to the polls and vote for America, Vote Obama.

During the Palin-Biden Debate  Palin said she helped Darfur while she was Governor, but Alaskans beg to differ with her.  Check out this story at the Huffington Post.

Sarah Palin was called on to divest State Funds from Sudan in 2006 by Congress. She did nothing.

Sarah Palin was aware of the press coverage and postcard campaign in 2007. She did nothing.

Sarah Palin knew when the Save Darfur Coalition met with her staff in 2007. She did nothing.

Sarah Palin found out when House Bill 287 was filed in 2008. She did nothing. She changed her position in 2008, a year and a half after first being asked.

So, Governor Sarah Palin, in fact, took no leadership role to fight for Darfur divestment. She dismissed pleas for help.  (Until it was convenient for her politically)

And Now, with that all important spin machine, and she is potential VP looks like she was for it all along………

Lordy, Liar Liar, pants on fire!!  Do they ever stop?

The pastor who clashed with Palin Baptist minister Howard Bess, who wrote a book Palin wanted banned and who fought her on abortion and gay rights, says the country should fear her election.

Bess is unnerved by the prospect of Palin — a woman whose mind is given to dogmatic certitude — standing one step away from the Oval Office. “It’s truly frightening that someone like Sarah has risen to the national level,” Bess said. “Like all religious fundamentalists — Christian, Jewish, Muslim — she is a dualist. They view life as an ongoing struggle to the finish between good and evil. Their mind-set is that you do not do business with evil — you destroy it. Talking with the enemy is not part of their plan. That puts someone like Obama on the side of evil.

Another valley activist, Philip Munger, says that Palin also helped push the evangelical drive to take over the Mat-Su Borough school board. “She wanted to get people who believed in creationism on the board,” said Munger, a music composer and teacher. “I bumped into her once after my band played at a graduation ceremony at the Assembly of God. I said, ‘Sarah, how can you believe in creationism — your father’s a science teacher.’ And she said, ‘We don’t have to agree on everything.’

“I pushed her on the earth’s creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she’d seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them.”

Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. “She looked in my eyes and said, ‘Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.'”

The concept that a heart-beat away from the presidency could be this person who believes that man walked with the dinosaurs is appalling.  Will she hurry the Rapture of the Christians with an Apocalypse?  Can you see the hand poised… strike nuclear Armageddon?


Can anyone with a straight face now say that the media is “liberal”. Can anyone say media is not driven by the republicans?

Scarborough just made the most outrageous statement ever made on national TV, in effect, saying they will only talk about what republicans wish to talk about. Scarborough…republican who once ran on that ticket in Florida.

There never was any doubt in my mind, but now its been said by….wait for it…….the republicans.

What a tragedy for the American people.

The people we entrust with telling us the “facts” really no longer care and will tell us what they want to tell us.

September 10 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe Scarborough: Media will talk about “[w]hatever the McCain campaign wants us to talk about, because the McCain campaign is assertive”

Summary: After likening cable TV to “a 500-pound guy looking for a 100-pound burro to get on” and then “rides it until it dies,” Chris Matthews said to Joe Scarborough, “I want to ask you, what will we talk about two days from now?” Scarborough replied: “Whatever the McCain campaign wants us to talk about, because the McCain campaign is assertive.”

From the Huffington Post I read the following excerpt from a story with the title “We’re Gonna Lose this Frickin’ Thing”:

So what is this house advantage the Republicans have? It’s the press. There is no more fourth estate. Wait, hold on…I’m not going down some esoteric path with theories on the deregulation of the media and corporate bias and CNN versus Fox…I mean it: there is no more functioning press in this country. And without a real press the corporate and religious Republicans can lie all they want and get away with it. And that’s the 51% advantage.

Think this is some opinion being wryly posited to titillate other bloggers and inspire dialogue with Tucker Carlson or Gore Vidal? Fuck that. Four corporations own all the TV channels. All of them. If they don’t get ratings they get canceled or fired. All news is about sex, blame and anger, and fear. Exposing lies about amounts of money taken from lobbyists and votes cast for the agenda of the last eight years does not rate. The end.

Adam, get a grip! Even if democrats “frickin” lose there is always next 4 years. How many times can a republican government beat and bloody the country before the country has had enough. My guess is two/three terms. Just hang on to your sanity and the republicans will eventually shoot themselves in the foot. (they always do, then dems take over and bring the country back into the real world again)

You are right however, about the 4th estate. We the people fight back on blogs, on online opinions. We know that the news is nothing more than fluff anymore. Take refuge in the fact that there is a large percentage of people that now do not even watch that non-existent 4th estate. The garner their news from the Internet from many many places, researching for themselves! Why? Because they KNOW that the news is skewed and they are tired. They want facts and they can now go and get those facts for themselves, they do not have to depend on the media that was for so many years something all Americans tuned into at 6:00 to see, say, Huntly and Brinkly. They trusted them to give Americans the facts. I will say it again, we no longer trust the media.

But, the democrats are not going to lose, so that scenario is a moot one. Eighty percent of this country is very tired of the republican antics, tired of the republican lies, tired of the republican thieves. That leaves just twenty percent that likes LIARS AND THIEVES AND CROOKS. Go figure. This year, this time, it WILL NOT WASH. Too many Americans have seen the liars for what they are.

Matt Yglesias recently highlighted a good idea from one of his commenters, who suggested that a mainstream outlet might make a comparison between the tax breaks Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama might receive under their own tax plan (since they are both wealthy), versus the tax break an average American would see. This would be illustrative of the taxation priorities of each candidate, on high incomes versus lower ones, in easy-to-understand terms.

Well, CNN got the drift — er, kinda. They just left off that whole average-American part. Yesterday, on The Situation Room, there was a chart showing the effect of McCain and Obama’s tax plans on four different income brackets:

* Over $2.9 million
* $603,000 and up
* $227,000-$603,000
* $161,000-$227,000

Does CNN have some really strange market research we’re not aware of? Because that seems like an extremely small slice of Americans. Actually, Think Progress notes it’s the top five percent of earners.

Aiming to inform viewers, CNN ended up being very, very misleading — one sees a greater tax cut in each of these brackets under McCain’s plan, creating the illusion he is offering more tax relief. Not shown, of course, are the other 95 percent of earners, who start to see a bigger benefit under Obama. (Again, see Think Progress.) So as a piece of journalism, this is highly misleading.

Wolf Blitzer didn’t stop there. He tried to rile up some anger among affected voters — namely, former NBA superstar and multi-millionaire Charles Barkley:

BLITZER: If Obama has his way, you would spend another $701,885 in taxes. $700,000 above and beyond — you pay a lot of taxes right now if you’re making millions of dollars a year as you are. How do you feel about that?

(Barkley notably said he didn’t care, and basically that it was fair.) Anyhow, this kind of tax reporting from Blitzer is in step with questions from many other mainstream media folks, like Charlie Gibson pestering candidates during the primaries about capital gains taxes, or suggesting the average American income is $200,000. It maybe be important to Gibson and Wolf, but it ain’t to most all of us.

Fox News and Jerome Corsi, living in the past

by Eric Boehlert

It sure felt like déjà vu all over again, didn’t it?

No election watcher could forget the summer of 2004, when Fox News repeatedly invited Swift Boat author John O’Neill onto cable prime time and allowed him to air his scurrilous allegations about Sen. John Kerry’s Vietnam War record. Even before the partisan Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group unveiled its infamous television ads, it was on Fox News where the controversy was birthed. It was Fox News that allowed O’Neill a mostly unobstructed platform on August 10, 17, 19, and 24, 2004, to libel Kerry and to gin up a controversy that eventually swamped the Democratic candidate for most of that crucial summer month.

Then, almost exactly four years later to the dates (on July 31, August 3, 12, and 14), Fox News presented its White House campaign sequel. It welcomed O’Neill’s Swift Boat writing partner, Jerome Corsi, to publicize his new attack book, The Obama Nation. Laying out his fever-swamp allegations about Obama’s drug use and his supposed connections to Islam, Corsi enjoyed the type of national exposure, courtesy of Fox News, that every author craves.

It was an audience that helped propel The Obama Nation to No. 1 on the bestsellers list, which then ignited wide-scale mainstream coverage for Corsi and his book.

In other words, everything was going according to plan. The sequel had been set up — had been marketed — just like the Swift Boat predecessor, and now all conservatives had to do was sit back and watch the fun, as the Obama campaign became engulfed in Corsi-led controversy.


It hasn’t worked that way. The Obama Nation‘s allegations, as slight and flimsy as they are, have taken a back seat to questions about Corsi’s own credibility. In fact, journalists have likely spent more time dissecting the errors in Obama Nation and highlighting Corsi’s controversial path, including the hateful, bigoted items he used to post in online forums, than they have focusing on the allegations Corsi wanted to broadcast.

As the conservative National Review Online noted with frustration, “The media narrative thus becomes ‘Corsi refuted’ rather than ‘Obama embattled.’ ”

Add in the fact that some conservatives have stepped forward to publically denounce Corsi and his brand of slime, beseeching the movement to divorce itself from Corsi’s unsubstantiated attacks, and suddenly the sequel is in real distress.

Oh sure, it’s selling. (Thanks in part to bulk sales, a right-wing marketing staple.) But in terms of affecting the race, in terms of gumming up the works for the Obama campaign, the book has so far been a bust.

What happened? How did a sure-fire follow-up hit turn into such a trouble-plagued production? And why isn’t Fox News’ Swift Boat formula working?

Simple. Both Corsi and the Fox News team are living in the past and failed to realize how dramatically the media landscape has shifted since the shady Swift Boat accusers were able to deftly use the media to spread their lies.

First and foremost, the progressive movement has spent the last four years bulking up its infrastructure, and specifically readying itself to respond to media-driven attacks from the right; the way Media Matters for America immediately blanketed The Obama Nation and documented its egregious errors (often floated on Fox News) and also raised doubts about the author’s veracity and integrity. And thanks to the larger Netroots community, Corsi hasn’t had any breathing room to spread his misinformation.

But there were also key marketplace changes within the cable news industry that affected the Corsi coverage, I think. Because remember that in 2004, Fox News drove the Swift Boat saga; it was practically a co-sponsor of the anti-Kerry crusade, devoting endless hours to promoting the Vietnam-era allegations. By sheer force of repetition, Fox News, then the dominant player in cable news, forced its competitors to not only acknowledge the Swift Boat story, but to go all in as well. And soon all the cable news outlets were treating the Swift Boat saga with Fox News-like breathlessness. (CNN aired nearly 300 segments referencing the topic.)

And just like Fox, they weren’t asking the tough questions. Instead, they gave the Swift Boat accusers the same free ride that Fox News did. They became media enablers, too.

Not this time around. With Fox News no longer the dominant cable news king — and with Fox News no longer driving the campaign narratives — its competitors opted for a much different approach to covering Corsi. And I think the coverage from the competitors sent a subtle, yet simple, message: We no longer take our cues from Fox News’ lead, because they no longer dictate campaign coverage. Instead, we’re going to exult in our role as a counterbalance, as a fact-checker, to the Fox News-produced Corsi attack campaign. In fact, we’re gonna help pull the curtain back on Corsi.

Just look at how MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer greeted Corsi, as he ventured for the first time beyond the friendly TV confines of Rupert World:

BREWER: You say it’s a comprehensive look, and yet there are already online bloggers that are going through this book page by page and picking apart what they see as factual errors. … If they’re going through, and they’re finding all of these factual errors in your book, why should we give you the credibility?

CNN’s Campbell Brown introduced a prime-time report by announcing, “Obama Nation is riddled with pretty much every unsubstantiated rumor you ever heard about Obama.”

And on Larry King Live, Corsi was forced to face off against Media Matters Senior Fellow Paul Waldman, who refused to let the author spread his misinformation uncontested.

All the above represented precisely what the press, and most especially the cable outfits, should have done — but mostly refused to do — in 2004.

They refused to allow articulate, independent critics onto the national stage to debunk the patently false Swift Boat charges. Instead, the press most often treated the Swift Boat story as a political one, which meant amplifying the partisan charges and then going to the Kerry campaign for a quote, or inviting a Kerry campaign surrogate on the air to debate a Swift Boat liar.

Rather than forcefully labeling the Swift Boat attacks a charade and IDing the attackers as pranksters, and instead of holding the Swift Boat accusers accountable, the press played dumb and abandoned its traditional campaign role.

As Greg Mitchell at Editor & Publisher noted, “The mainstream press gave the charges — carried in ads, in books and articles, and in major TV appearances — a free ride for a spell, then a respectful airing mixed with critique, before in many cases finally attempting to shoot them down as overwhelmingly exaggerated or false.”

In the infamous words of former Washington Post executive editor Len Downie, upon being pressed about the paper’s Swift Boat coverage in August 2004: “We are not judging the credibility of Kerry or the [Swift Boat] Veterans, we just print the facts.”

Talk about abdicating your role as journalists. During the Swift Boat hoax, Downie and his team at the Post essentially walked off the field, refusing to officiate the smear campaign. Wasn’t judging the credibility of the previously unknown Swift Boat accusers precisely what the Post and the rest of the press should have been doing in August 2004?

Thankfully, that kind of cowardice has been replaced by actual journalism when dealing with the Corsi sequel. And on TV, I’d suggest that about-face has been fueled by Fox News’ fall from ratings grace, as its competitors, flush with confidence, realize they no longer have to follow.

Instead, they can lead.

Of course, the fact that Corsi won’t admit or correct obvious errors in his book has only emboldened the press to pose tough questions. His often loopy logic has also not helped him, like suggesting we cannot believe Obama when he said he stopped taking drugs in college because, according to the author, “self-reporting, by people who have used drugs, as to when they stopped is inherently unreliable.”

When Corsi stumbled down that twisted path on CNN’s Larry King Live last week, Media Matters‘ Waldman was waiting to pounce:

WALDMAN: You put up on right-wing websites a whole series of bigoted and hateful posts in 2002 and 2003 that you later had to admit to when you got found out — all kinds of really vile, malicious stuff.

CORSI: OK. If you —

WALDMAN: Now, you say that you’ve stopped that. You say that you’ve stopped that and you don’t put up those kinds of vile, bigoted, malicious, hateful posts on right-wing websites. But all we have is your word. I mean, do — can we really trust you? People who do that kind of thing, well, you know, they’re not really very trustworthy.

CORSI: We have —

WALDMAN: So can we trust you? Are you still doing that?

CORSI: You have more than my word. You’ve got the record of everything I’ve written since then.

WALDMAN: Can you prove that you’re not doing it anonymously? Can you prove it?

I’m hard-pressed to recall the last time I saw an author get so thoroughly discredited on national television the way Corsi was at the hands of Waldman. (The encounter simply confirmed why conservatives often refuse to go head-to-head with reps from Media Matters in public settings.)

That undressing proved infectious within the mainstream media, as it began to spell out, fairly and accurately, what Corsi and his book were about. The Associated Press’ Nedra Pickler reported, “Corsi suggests, without a shred of proof, that Obama may be using drugs today. Obama has acknowledged using marijuana and cocaine as a teenager but says he quit when he went to college and hasn’t used drugs since.”

The New York Times’ political blog, The Caucus, set aside space to detail Corsi’s touting of radical 9-11 theories that suggest explosives detonated inside the Twin Towers were also responsible for the destruction, not just the terrorist-piloted jumbo jets. And Politico noted how Corsi had “left a trail of wild theories, vitriol and dogma that have called into question his credibility.”

Is it some sort of collective penance journalists are serving for the media’s Swift Boat failures of 2004? Who knows? But it’s exactly what journalists ought to be doing when mischief-makers like Corsi climb onto the national stage (ladder, courtesy of Simon & Schuster), and start making unsubstantiated charges about presidential contenders.

Conservatives now whine about the press taking sides, that it’s teaming up on Corsi. In fact, the press is simply doing exactly what it should have done in 2004, and that’s vet the accuser. Period.

The game has changed. But somebody forgot to tell Corsi and his friends at Fox News.

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